Our Alexandra

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Here are her six month Valentine portraits. What a cutie and a ham!


The pups are always watching. Wait until she starts crawling! Dodger likes to nuzzle her while she is in the saucer until she jumps and makes a huge racket. Then he jumps back. She tries to touch them and ends up swinging at them. They sense that she is special and if you ever hold her around them, you will be inspected and they always let Susie or me know if someone new is holding her.
At "work" in her saucer. She loves to spend time grabbing and moving the many items around her.

Happy Holidays!!! Here she is at four months and her personality has really started to show. I love making her smile and laugh. She is such a good baby, always happy in the morning and sleeps throughout the night. Susie and I are so fortunate to have such a good girl!

This was my favorite picture of her at three months old. I took it with my cell phone.
A happy girl at three months!!!